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Si Penjajah Ikan Asli Indonesia !!!! | The Original Indonesian Fish Colonizer !!!!

Minggu, 19 Juni 2022 | 11.43 WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2023-01-29T02:41:43Z

Depok (depoKini) - Articles in English, after Articles in Indonesian.

Ikan mujair sangat populer di Indonesia, untuk dikonsumsi. Namun, mujair bukanlah ikan asli Indonesia, melainkan hasil introduksi.

Ikan dengan nama ilmiah Oreochromis mossambicus ini persebaran alaminya adalah Afrika, meliputi dataran rendah Zambezi, Shire hingga dataran pesisir Delta Zambezi dan beberapa wilayah Afrika lainnya. Mujair berkerabat dekat dengan ikan nila [Oreochromis niloticus], jenis yang begitu digemari di Indonesia

Ikan mujair Oreochromis mossambicus, merupakan ikan introduksi dan invasif yang mengancam ikan-ikan endemik air tawar di Indonesia.

Ikan mujair dapat dijumpai hampir di seluruh perairan tawar sampai muara-muara sungai dan menyukai substrat lumpur, dengan banyak tumbuhan air pada kisaran suhu 21-37 derajat Celcius.

Kehadiran mujair telah membuat ikan asli menyusut bahkan sulit ditemui lagi, misalkan ikan endemik gabus hitam di Danau Sentani dan ikan moncong bebek di Danau Poso, Sulawesi Tengah.

Ada dua masalah dengan hadirnya ikan asing invasif, yaitu:
- Pertama, bisa menjadi pemangsa ikan asli dan ikan endemik. 
- Kedua, sebagai inang pembawa berbagai penyakit yang sebelumnya tidak terdapat dalam ekosistem perairan, habitat ikan asli bahkan ikan endemik.(FM)

Foto: Istimewa

Mujair fish is very popular in Indonesia, for consumption. However, mujair is not a native Indonesian fish, but the product of its introduction.

This fish with the scientific name Oreochromis mossambicus is naturally distributed in Africa, covering the lowlands of the Zambezi, Shire to the coastal plains of the Zambezi Delta and several other African regions. Mujair is closely related to tilapia [Oreochromis niloticus], a species that is very popular in Indonesia.

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Oreochromis mossambicus tilapia fish, is an introduced and invasive fish that threatens endemic freshwater fish in Indonesia.

Tilapia fish can be found in almost all fresh waters up to river estuaries and likes mud substrates, with lots of aquatic plants in the temperature range of 21-37 degrees Celsius.

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The presence of the tilapia has reduced the number of native fish and is even more difficult to find, for example the endemic black cork fish in Lake Sentani and the duck nose fish in Lake Poso, Central Sulawesi.

There are two problems with the presence of invasive alien fish, namely:
- First, it can be a predator of native fish and endemic fish.
- Second, as a carrier for various diseases that were not previously found in aquatic ecosystems, native fish habitats and even endemic fish. (FM)

Photo: Special
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